How to join IST?

IST’s aim is to offer stimulating and challenging international education in a multi-cultural environment. The school is open to students from anywhere in Norway and to any student filling the requirement of public elementary (1-11) schools [1]. When there are more applicants than available places, the Principal shall decide how these places will be granted according to this procedure.

Available places

These numbers  are the current approval by Utdanningsdirektoratet and reflect current school policy (students per class, classes per level).

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FAQ about IST

The facilities at Hovet are extensive and exactly what IST has been looking for since the school started. There is a large hall or gym with changing rooms and showers, a library, extensive playground areas, a football pitch, kitchenettes and several reception areas. There are many office rooms, storage, group rooms, and several large art and technology rooms. We have converted the existing kitchen into a science room. We also have access to ski tracks, orienteering routes, an extensive wild area and a skate park. The school uses two car parks and parents can utilise the first car park before you get to the main school building.
There is a Kiwi supermarket in Stridsklev on the way to the school from Porsgrunn centre. Stridsklev swimming pool is a 10 minutes walk away from IST, and the Hovettunnet and Nystrand barnehager are close by. The area of Hovet is residential and quiet.
After Grade 10, students can go to Porsgrunn vgs or Skagerak International School to continue studying with the IB through the world class Diploma Programme. For more information on the Parents’ Guide 2020-2021 version 2 (Oct 2020).Diploma, please look at: Otherwise, students can attend the local Videregående schools in the area.
Absolutely not. In fact, our students perform very well in the Norwegian national tests (nationale prøver). More information about the national tests and how the school does each year can be found in the yearly condition report.
The IB is an inclusive system and the Norwegian Utdanningsdirektorate (Udir) fully recognise the IB as viable alternative to the state system in Norway. The Norwegian Private School law (privatskoleloven) means that IST is allowed to use the IB philosophy and curriculum model.



Information meeting for interested families in January or February


Application date for normal admissions: 1st  March


Decision on applications communicated to parents: No later than 20th  March

Rejected applicants will be asked if they want to be registered on a waiting list. If new vacancies occur after normal admissions have been completed, applicants on the waiting list will be offered to fill the vacancies based on the same criteria as for normal admissions.

If a parent is not satisfied with the conclusion of the intake, the decision can be appealed to the School Board and ultimately to the Fylkesmann in Telemark. An appeal must be forwarded within 3 weeks.

IST accepts new students until September 30th of each academic year. After this date, IST will only accept students that fulfill the first level of the school’s admissions criteria, namely, ‘Students with previous international or English language schooling’. Students accepted on to a class waiting list before September 30th  will be admitted during the academic year if a vacancy occurs.

The parents are asked to bring in all relevant paperwork and information, and they should inform the school of any special requirements or educational needs for their child. Parents will be required to sign the school transfer form. 

The respective department coordinator (PYP, MYP, LS) and class teacher will meet with the parents and child.

Interested students are required to have a three-day trial of the school. The school will also assess the level of English as the main instructional language of IST is English and will also seek to gain any further information about a potential student. This will help the school understand and cater for any needs. Any visiting student must be registered with the office, and parents must also meet with the relevant IB section coordinator.

Before accepting a new student after a three-day trial with the school, there must be a transition meeting between IST which would include the class teacher, the parents and the previous school, particularly the contact teacher. The meeting can include the department coordinator, if necessary, and LS coordinator, if there is a specific learning support need. This meeting would be to discuss how the student fits with IST, any observations during the trial period, and any information about the student from the previous school. The meeting is to ensure that the school has all necessary student information, both social and academic, in order to cater best for the individual student’s needs. 


The following criteria, listed in order of priority, shall be used:

  1. Students with previous international or English language schooling
  2. Students with siblings at IST
  3. Students with at least one foreign parent
  4. with at least one parent employed at IST
  5. registered on the waiting list

More detailed definitions of the terms used in these criteria are found at the end of this document. If a student qualifies for more than one criterion, the one with the highest priority applies.

If, using the criteria above, two or more applicants are tied for the last place(s) in a class, the tie is resolved as follows:

  1. If two, and only two, applicants are tied for the same class level and both are qualified according to criterion 1, the principal may at his/her discretion expand the size of the class to which they apply by one, thus admitting both applicants.
  2. In all other cases, priority is given to the remaining candidate(s) whose applications were received the earliest by the school.

IST scholarships

A scholarship is for one year at a time and must be re-applied for each academic year. There are ten scholarships available each academic year.

The scholarship system at IST is as follows: You will need to explain why you feel your child should have a scholarship at IST and how this fits with the admission criteria.

The scholarship is regarded as offering the opportunity for students to study in an international school environment and in the IB, and is available for students whose families find it not easy to pay the school fees. You do need to provide information about your economy in order to justify a scholarship. The principal will also look at how the student benefits being at IST, and what the student brings in terms of engagement with the school’s goals and philosophy as an IB and international school.

Please ensure you apply in writing by June 1st

School Fees

The International School Telemark is a non-profit making foundation, which actively seeks to keep the level of fees as low as financially viable.

Tuition fees follow the guidelines set by the Ministry of Education and the Education Directorate and are ratified by the Board.

Tuition fees are now:

Grade 1 – Grade 10

NOK 3 400, – per month

(34 000, – per year)
(2 children 5780- and 3 + 7480.-)

Sibling discount
Full fee for the first child, 30% for the second child, 50% for the third child and free for any more siblings.

School fees are invoiced once a month for 10 months. Payment free months are July and August. Please contact the school administration if you would like payments divided over more months.

Fees for other services provided by the school: These can be revised in January and July each year

From autumn 2023, the government has decided to introduce 12 hours of free after-school care per week for 1st & 2nd Grade. This covers all our SFO time during the school week.

SFO fees: (after school child minding)

  • Full time place (186 school days) NOK 2500, – pr. month
  • Part-time, per day per month NOK 500, – per month Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri
  • Wednesdays NOK 700, – pr. month
    Part-time places are bound to a specific day each week
  • Individual days NOK 200, – each time & 300, – for Weds


Break Snacks:

If you have any concerns about payments please do not hesitate to contact the school administration